- My Writings

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How to Detect Model Attribute Changes in Laravel
2 min read

How to Detect Model Attribute Changes in Laravel

In this article, we will learn how to detect model attribute changes in Laravel using Laravel helper methods like isDirty, isClean, and wasChanged.

Using Bun as a Package Manager
3 min read

Using Bun as a Package Manager

In this article, we will explore how fast bun is and how to use it as a package manager replacing npm, yarn, or pnpm.

Understanding Semantic Versioning: A Beginner's Guide
3 min read

Understanding Semantic Versioning: A Beginner's Guide

In this article, we will explore what Semantic Versioning is, why it is important, and how to use it effectively in your projects.

Generate RSS Feed with Nuxt 3 and Nuxt Content v2
3 min read

Generate RSS Feed with Nuxt 3 and Nuxt Content v2

Learn how to create an RSS feed for your Nuxt 3 project using Nuxt Content v2. This article will guide you through the process of setting up a custom RSS feed.

Commit with Husky: How to Auto-Format, Lint, and Test before Commit or Push
3 min read

Commit with Husky: How to Auto-Format, Lint, and Test before Commit or Push

Learn how to set up pre-commit and pre-push hooks in Git to auto-format, lint, and test your code before committing or pushing to the repository. Ensure that your code is clean, consistent, and error-free before sharing it with others.

Using Multiple GitHub Accounts on the Same Computer
6 min read

Using Multiple GitHub Accounts on the Same Computer

Recently, I stumbled upon a situation where I had to use my personal device for work. I already had my personal GitHub account set up on my machine, and now I had to use my work GitHub account as well. I had to figure out a way to use both accounts on the same machine without any conflicts. In this blog, I will share the steps to set up multiple GitHub accounts on the same computer using SSH keys.

Laravel Blade Directives: Class, Errors, Helpers, JS, JSON, PHP, Use, and Style
5 min read

Laravel Blade Directives: Class, Errors, Helpers, JS, JSON, PHP, Use, and Style

Laravel provides a variety of Blade directives to simplify common tasks in your Blade templates. In this article, we'll explore several useful Blade directives for working with CSS classes, error messages, JavaScript variables, JSON data, PHP code, and more. These directives help you write cleaner, more expressive Blade templates and streamline your development workflow.

Laravel Blade Directives: Loops
4 min read

Laravel Blade Directives: Loops

In this article, we will learn about Laravel Blade Directives: Loops. Laravel Blade provides a set of directives to work with loops. We will learn about `@for`, `@foreach`, `@forelse`, `@while`, `@empty`, `@continue` and `@break`.

Laravel Blade Directives: Conditionals
10 min read

Laravel Blade Directives: Conditionals

In this article, we'll learn about different Blade directives for conditional checks in Laravel. These directives provide a convenient way to manage and handle conditional logic within your Blade templates.

Laravel Blade Directives: Authorization
5 min read

Laravel Blade Directives: Authorization

In this article, we'll learn how to secure our Laravel app by exploring different blade directives for authorization checks.

From Macros to Mixins: Elevating Your Laravel Projects
3 min read

From Macros to Mixins: Elevating Your Laravel Projects

In this article, we'll explore advanced techniques for managing Laravel Macros using the `mixin` method provided within the `Macroable` trait. We'll learn how to organize and maintain Macros effectively, enhancing the flexibility and maintainability of Laravel projects.

Exploring Laravel Macros: Extending Functionality with Ease
3 min read

Exploring Laravel Macros: Extending Functionality with Ease

In this article, we'll explore Laravel macros and learn how to extend Laravel's core functionality with custom macros. We'll cover the basics of macros, how to define them, and how to use them to enhance your Laravel applications.

Convert English Date to Nepali Date (AD to BS) in Laravel Project
2 min read

Convert English Date to Nepali Date (AD to BS) in Laravel Project

In this tutorial, we'll explore how to convert English date to Nepali date (AD to BS) and vice-versa in a Laravel project. We'll utilize the `anuzpandey/laravel-nepali-date` package to achieve this functionality, which provides a simple and efficient solution for date conversion.

Utilizing Queues with Laravel on Shared Hosting
1 min read

Utilizing Queues with Laravel on Shared Hosting

This article will explore how to utilize Laravel Queues on shared hosting environments. In scenarios where the installation of supervisor for queue worker management isn't feasible due to restrictions imposed by shared hosting environments, such as those utilizing Cpanel access exclusively, alternative strategies are required.

How to access environment variables in Nuxt 3?
2 min read

How to access environment variables in Nuxt 3?

Environment variables play a crucial role in configuring and customizing applications. They provide a convenient way to store sensitive information or dynamic settings that can vary across different environments. In this article, we will explore how to create and utilize environment variables in Nuxt.js 3.

How to structure Programming Projects?
9 min read

How to structure Programming Projects?

A friend of mine asked me what is the best way to set up a programming project from the start. This article will help you to speed up your workflow by making you a way more efficient programmer. The tools and techniques described in this article will help you maintain structure and organize your programming project.

Deploy Laravel Project in Digital Ocean Droplet
10 min read

Deploy Laravel Project in Digital Ocean Droplet

In this blog post, I'll take you on an exciting journey of deploying a Laravel project on a Digital Ocean droplet. From creating and configuring your droplet to deploying your code and securing your application, we'll cover each step in detail, ensuring that you gain a solid understanding of the entire process.