How to access environment variables in Nuxt 3?

Environment variables play a crucial role in configuring and customizing applications. They provide a convenient way to store sensitive information or dynamic settings that can vary across different environments. In this article, we will explore how to create and utilize environment variables in Nuxt.js 3.
Environment variables play a crucial role in configuring and customizing applications. They provide a convenient way to store sensitive information or dynamic settings that can vary across different environments. In this article, we will explore how to create and utilize environment variables in Nuxt.js 3, the latest version of the popular Vue.js framework.
Create an Environment Variable File
Navigate to the root directory of your Nuxt.js project and create a new file named .env. This file will hold your environment variables. Nuxt.js automatically loads variables from this file during the build process.
Inside the .env file, you can define your environment variables using the KEY=VALUE syntax. For example:
Preventing Access to Environment Variables
When working with sensitive information such as secret keys stored in the .env file, it is essential to prevent unauthorized access to this file when deploying your code to GitHub or any other public repository.
Open the .gitignore file and add a new line with the filename .env. This tells Git not to track changes or include the .env file in your repository.
Example of a Typical .gitignore File:
Configure the environment variables
In the root of the directory in the nuxt.config.ts file, add your environment variables in runtimeConfig
Accessing the environment variables through Runtime Config
To utilize environment variables throughout your application, you can expose them using the runtimeConfig option in Nuxt.js.
In this tutorial, we have learned how to create and utilize environment variables in Nuxt.js 3. Leveraging environment variables enables you to manage sensitive information and dynamically adjust configurations based on different environments. With this knowledge, you can now enhance the flexibility and security of your Nuxt.js applications.